Clare Cape, Town and Wiltshire Councillor, Chippenham Pewsham
Tel: 07766 026595
Chippenham Town Council Ward: Pewsham | Wiltshire Council Division: Chippenham Pewsham |
Committees Amenities, Culture and Leisure Committee Climate and Ecological Emergency Advisory Group Terms of office Since May 2017 | Committees Chippenham and Villages Area Board Northern Area Planning Committee (Substitute) Climate Emergency Task Group Terms of Office Since May 2017 |
Clare trained as a nurse and has held a wide range of healthcare related roles at local, regional and national level.
Locally Clare has been an active member of the Save Chippenham campaign; regularly probing and challenging the Wiltshire Council administration to reduce plans for unneeded sprawl across our countryside and concentrate on meeting local identified need for affordable homes primarily on brownfield sites.
As Chair of the Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine, Clare regularly travels to the West Bank and works to raise awareness and knowledge of the situation there, driving Lib Dem policy and contributing to a cross party group.
Clare is the Wiltshire and Swindon representative on the Liberal Democrats Western Counties region and a regional member of the English Council.