John Scragg, Town Councillor, Chippenham Lowden and Rowden
Tel: 01249 657089
John has represented Lowden & Rowden on Chippenham Town Council since 1987. In that time he has been mayor of the town three times and now for the fourth time. His enduring interest is in transport, from buses and trams to steam trains, and he has travelled widely in pursuit of his hobby. He is on the committee of the Chippenham Twinning Association and travels regularly to Chippenham's twin towns of La Fleche and Friedberg. He represents the Town Council on the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils has been its chairman since 2015. He is currently Vice Chairman of Chippenham Civic Society. He is a graduate of the London School of Economics and is a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Internal Auditors.